Jenna’s Blog: My Ideal Weekend
Jenna’s Blog: My Ideal Weekend

I think I have discovered my ideal weekend. After a week of pretty serious jetlag, I knew I needed to get my sleep regulated somewhat this weekend. Also, most of my friends are doing this dry January thing and not going out so it’s literally going to be my favorite month. I basically have dry Jan-Dec so not drinking is really not very hard for me. I really want to get my lifestyle healthier in general so I can be happy without taking antidepressants again:) What does this mean? I don’t have the exact formula, but I think I’m on the right track. I bought a juicer and realized quickly how annoying healthy people can be. I don’t care if your juicer is nicer than mine. I don’t care to be told how to drink my juice within 20 minutes! People-the point is, I bought a juicer and all the things I like and the supplements best for my body so go put your juice wherever is best for you. Anyway, I am already beat down by cleaning it but managed to make everyone in my life juices this weekend!

jenna-blog-pic-011116I finally saw The Revenant on Friday night!!! Oh Leo really really wants that Oscar this year right? If you’re wondering if you should see it, ask yourself if you would have liked Gladiator with more gore, less dialogue and no romance at all? Then you have your answer. I really enjoyed it though how anyone misconstrued that bear attack scene as rape is beyond me. I had a hard time watching that scene.

Back to my ideal weekend though. Dinner and movie with friends for a Friday night is perfect. Saturday I was up at 6 am…back on track:) So after making some juices, I worked out and did all of my errands before 11. The problem with getting up so early is what to do with your day. It started getting so cold and that means HIBERNATE! I managed to get out to do my second favorite thing and go to a sporting event! Seriously there is nothing I love more than going to a sporting event on the weekend. It’s the most social thing you can do without talking? Is it strange that I talk for a living, yet spend the weekend not wanting to talk at all? The outgoing introvert again. My best girlfriend and I are moving out in a couple months so she can move in with her boyfriend and we have been spending more time together to get it all in before we never see each other anymore:) We were super antisocial and plopped down in great seats, pigged out on stadium food and felt very sporty.