Jenna’s Famous Suitor

Jenna confessed something to J-Si that got him too excited, so he spilled the beans. Which famous soccer player is Jenna talking to on a dating app? And can Kellie and Big Al correctly guess the guy? VIDEO   AUDIO   PHOTO Game day Vamos por otra victoria #soyhechoenmexico A

When Your Ex Treats You Badly

Big Al has his own problems… Who is he going to bring to Kellie’s wedding? Plus, KiddNation writes in for help. What advice would you give a girl that wants to reach out to an ex that treated her badly? Need advice? Ask Kellie, the love expert, and submit your

Bone-Pick Monday

It’s time to complain… Let us know what’s bugging you. Someone called in to say that a hottie stranger lathered him down with sunscreen… but he still got burned! And what about that greedy person at the drive-through that doesn’t give you enough salsa for your burrito?