Producer Nick donated stem cells earlier this year and it’s a very anonymous thing. You can’t meet the recipient for a year but you can write a letter… You just can’t give away a lot of information. Well Nick wrote his ‘cellmate’ and he just got a letter back! Sign
Kinsey’s Dad Keeps Sending Weird Packages
Is it an expensive joke? Is he slowly moving in? J-Si is trying to make sense of the many questionable boxes received from Kinsey’s dad… Check out the butt whisk, broken chip clip and poorly drawn pizza plate. AUDIO PHOTOS
Part-Time Justin’s Financial Situation
Part-Time Justin has some money problems… The problem being, he doesn’t know how to manage it! And listen to his interview with Post Malone tomorrow at 8:30c!
Big Al Gets Grief For His ‘Service Dog’
Longtime listener Blind Ken called in to give us his thoughts on Big Al’s ‘service dog’. Listen and give us your thoughts in the comments below!
Allen Answers Anything!
What are Axl Rose and Negan doing hosting a podcast? It’s the Halloween edition of A Sandwich and Some Lovin’ and yes, Allen makes Kellie wear a costume…..for a PODCAST. Then Kellie does her best to keep quiet as Allen responds to listeners’ questions in their new feature, Allen Answers