It was just an average Friday night with not much going on. Then my cell phone rang. It was Coolio asking if anything was going on at my bar. An hour later, Coolio walks in and totally shocks my crowd. He eventually gets on stage and sings “Gangsta’s Paradise.” It’s not often that a Grammy Award winning artist “drops by” and sings their own song. But he was so cool. He took a pic with everyone that wanted one.

If only I could have done as well as he did when I sang my song at the Kidd’s Kids party. Should I have rehearsed a little more than I did? Probably. But, I don’t think any amount of rehearsals would have made it any better. I somehow made it through the first verse and chorus fairly well. But after that, I melted down in front of 200 people. It was terrible. How did I try to recover? Well, country music heals all! Well, at least that’s what I’d like to think. After I butchered my song, “This is how we do it,” I sang “Buy me a boat.” It was all I could do to try to make up for it. Did it work? Well, not really. But I tried.

Where is Coolio when you need him?