It’s so funny how when you’re planning an event, some days you are totally fine, and other days, all you can think about is all of the things that could go wrong. Today, is the ladder.

big-al-blog-102616-300x300I woke up at 3am and all I could think about was: Did I get enough food? Did I get too much food? Do I have enough Lights? Do I have enough generators? Do I have enough porto-pottys? Do I have enough employees? Do I have too many employees? Will the employees make money? Do I have enough fencing to go around the perimeter? So many questions…and the thing is, I won’t know the answer to any of these questions until it’s too late to do anything about it. Everything about this Pop-Up-Party is a guess. A 100% GUESS! I’ve never done a party in this city (Waxahachie, Texas) but now isn’t the time for stress. Now is the time to get it together. The tents arrive tomorrow. The food starts cooking tomorrow. And it is time to put this giant puzzle together.

I’ll post a few pics as everything starts to come together so you guys can see the progress…