Did She Accept????
Did She Accept????

Update!!! If you missed it yesterday, I (kinda) met this girl while I was walking Curtis on Monday. Well, I did meet her but I didn’t get any info to keep in touch. How many times have people done that? A LOT! So, the next day, I mentioned it on the radio and gave a brief description including a few options for her first name and a possible name of her dog. I’m not sure what I expected to happen from there. I’ve been out of the “Game” for so long. I haven’t really hollered at any girl in almost 9 months. 9 MONTHS PEOPLE!!!

Well, I found her! Well, kinda. I have not spoken to her. Nor have I sent her a message. But from the vague description that I gave yesterday, a friend of a friend of a friend works with her. Is this a positive ID? Yes, I believe so. What’s the next step? Actually, I don’t think there is one. After putting this girl on blast like this, I’m really feeling self-conscience about even hollering. UGH…what a mess. My friend of the friend did give me her Instagram address. So, now I go from “radio stalking” to “Instagram stalking.” This is just getting weirder and weirder. This has now got to be looking pretty creepy.

So, I did go to her Instagram page and… It is private. So, my only move was to request to follow her. So I clicked the follow button. Did she accept????