WELL… I DID IT…I RODE MY BIKE 20 MILES ON FRIDAY. I used all caps because I was yelling. Man oh Man. That was rough. But I did it.

I asked on Facebook for anyone that wanted to take my leisurely ride with me to show up. Little did I know that a female version of Lance Armstrong would show up… She was dressed like a real biker. She was riding a $5,000 bike. And she had just finished an Ironman competition. And she showed up to ride with me…You could just look at her and tell that she was going to SMOKE me like a Thanksgiving Turkey. And she did. She spent most of the race looking back at me. But she was really nice about it. And I spent most of the ride looking at her butt. I couldn’t help it. She was in FRONT of me the whole time. Thanks to Misty for riding with me. Let’s do it again sometime!