Football is here! Well, at least, College football is here. And now it’s time for all of the work and preparation of all of the football player across the country to pay off. But it’s not just the players, coaches, and athletic departments that have been looking forward to this day. Yours truly has been preparing too. I always try to do some improvements at my bar during the off-season. And this year, I did more than a little. I feel like people want new stuff in the place that they choose to spend their Saturdays. And there have been a lot of changes with employees this past year. I don’t have a manager currently. Well, the manager is me. And these changes have been stressing me out for the last 2 months and for the first time in a long time; it actually scares me to start the busiest time of the year. I can’t really pin point what it is that I’m scared of but I just know the uneasy feeling is all over my body…Help Me Lord!

big-al-blog-pic-090315Anyway, back the improvements…We basically rebuilt the bar area adding some shiny new beer coolers so we can sell more LOCAL beers. Yea BEER! Then, I’ve always wanted to have one of those cool TV VIDEO WALLS like you see at big fancy sports bars with the multiple TVs that kind of remind me of Las Vegas. It’s hard to describe but it can be either 8 different TVs or one HUGE screen. All of it adds up to one thing. Greatness! Ha-ha. Anyway, it’s all an effort to bring in new customers and make the existing customers happier. Happy Customers make a Happy Owner! 🙂

Today will be the first indication of how well these new improvements are accepted by the customers.