Today is National Men Make Dinner day. So fellas, surprise your woman and show her that you love her by stopping by the store, picking up her favorite dish, and putting in some effort today.

big-al-blog-110316-300x300Personally, one of my favorite meals to prepare is baked salmon. Or if grilled salmon is more your thing, that’s cool. Honestly, in most cases, your woman probably won’t care what you prepare. They usually just appreciate that you did SOMETHING! But if you have time, go ahead and put some effort in to do a great job. And if you really want to blow her mind, make a dessert too. Ok, maybe that’s too much. And for the fellas that just can’t get it together in the kitchen, see if you can find one of those grocery stores that sells food that is already prepared. Then go on home (before she gets there) and put the food on the stove and make it look like you cooked. You will probably need to get some butter and onion and put it in a skillet and heat it up a bit to make the kitchen smell like you cooked. Either way, make your woman feel special today.