I went to the dog park with my dog, Curtis, about 3 times. I rode the trolley for the second time. I washed 2 loads of clothes. I watched lots of old movies on HBO and Showtime. And I worked out exactly once!
I don’t think I have ever done LESS on vacation than this past week. Then again, I guess that’s the point of vacation, right? I mean I worked at the restaurant everyday. But aside from that, I didn’t do much. I was waiting on a real estate sale to go through where a rental property of mine is selling so, since I didn’t know if and when that would happen, I really couldn’t leave town. Well, It never did close…So, I’ll have to wait and go to Mexico another time.
July 4th was an exciting workday when I was forced to bartend and be the cashier when my bartender didn’t show up. And then a customer actually helped me bartend for 5 hours. And of course, all of this paled in comparison to the events that happened just a mile from my apartment. I heard and even felt the explosion that the Police set off on Thursday night. Those events pretty much dominated the later half of the week. Nothing else seemed to even matter. People are struggling as we try to figure out how to go on and move forward.
It’s been 2 weeks since I have seen my girlfriend and I think I get to see her in about 2 more weeks when I make my first ever trip to Detroit. That’s exciting to be visiting a city for the first time and seeing her will be awesome. It’s been a while.