When you throw something away…in a trashcan, you never expect to see it again. But this is exactly what has happened to me.
About 2 years ago when my dog Curtis, was just a little puppy, he would love to pass the time by chewing on my flip-flops. In fact, he chewed up 3 pair of flip-flops. 2 of the pair were destroyed so bad that I threw them away immediately. I even wrote a song about him chewing up my flip-flops! But, There was one pair that was still wearable, and I kept them. But they were in pretty bad shape as well…and I still wore them. I just decided to keep them until I replaced them.
This past week, I even took the chewed flip-flops with me to Mexico. On the way while we were on the plane, I met another family on the plane. Kyle, his wife Rocky, and their two kids. A great family and we chatted all the way to Mexico. We even told them where we would be hanging out in Playa del Carmen. They were staying in Cancun, 40 miles away. We said goodbye at the airport and went our separate ways in Mexico.
The next day at around 2 in the afternoon, we look up and there is Kyle. They had decided to check out Playa because we told them how great it was. We hung out and they loved Playa as well and decided to stay overnight. I walked him to the office of my condo/hotel and they got a room 2 doors away from our room. Kyle went to Cancun to get their stuff and his wife and kids stayed behind and we all hung out.
The next morning, my girlfriend and I had a very early flight. As we were getting ready, I looked at my old chewed flip flops and made an announcement to my girlfriend that I was finally throwing my flip flops away. I tossed them in the trashcan in our room and we left. It was 5am as we departed for the airport.
Yesterday, I get to my bar in Dallas, and there is a package. My bartender told me that a guy that met me on the plane to Mexico left the package for me.
I opened it up and it was my chewed up flip-flops. My guess is that a hotel employee found them (in the trash can) and figured it was a mistake. Then they saw the family that we were hanging out with and asked if they knew how to get the flip-flops to me. Kyle brought them back from Mexico and brought them 50 miles from his house to my house!
Thanks Kyle, Rocky, Sloan and Coco! I will now keep the flip-flops forever!