Oh, We Tried
Oh, We Tried

This weekend was sort of a mixture of good friends as well as alone time. Friday night, I really didn’t do a whole lot. The usual time was spent working in the restaurant but not a lot of time with friends or anyone in particular.

But Saturday, it was the complete opposite. I invited McKinney Avenue Tavern (former) regular customers to a night at my new restaurant. I rented a charter bus that would hold 50 people and I guess we had about 25 people that showed up for the night. We got to the new spot and another 20 people were waiting for us there. So, a lot of the customers that had not seen each other got to hang out again. A lot of karaoke, laughs, and yes… We joined hands and sang “Lean on Me” just like old times. I even saw a few tears as we took pictures. And no one got crazy drunk. That was a good thing.

Then Sunday, after a visit at mom’s house, it was back to alone time at the house.

Then after a night of TV, I thought I’d get out and see what people did at midnight on Sunday. I was sitting at this one place and thought this girl was checking me out. After making some serious eye-contact, I realized she was watching the TV above my head. It wasn’t eye-contact at all.

Oh, on a totally unrelated note, the young man that was a marginal employee and we had a “Come To Jesus” conversation with about a week ago. Well, I told him it was his last chance and he blew it. He was two hours late on Sunday without calling and that was the straw that broke the camels back. We tried.