The Young lady whose hair I cut came by the bar on Friday Night so I guess she was relatively satisfied with her haircut.
Saturday Morning, I realized that it had been a while since I had done anything nice for my girlfriend. I have been slacking in that area. I don’t know how we are planning on handling the fact that she is moving in a year. I guess we’ll just take it day by day. Relationships have survived issues like this so it’s not the end of the world, right? Anyway, I went and got her a dozen roses and took it to her house. I also got her a Neil Diamond CD. We have been dating almost 3 years and I just found out that she is a huge Neil Diamond fan. I had NO IDEA! He was actually in concert the other night and that’s how the conversation started. That might be an interesting topic: I’ve been with my significant other for 5 years but I JUST found out that _____. hmmmn maybe!
Saturday night I was in bed by 6pm and I woke up at 1am. Exciting. Church on Sunday with Korey and mom, then an afternoon of Funday Sunday!