My Girlfriend is Cuban. So, I guess it should be no surprise that she wants to visit Cuba. So, I guess we’ll be going to Cuba sometime soon. I have to start thinking of other cool places to visit now that I no longer have a bar in Playa del Carmen. And now, Cuba is on the short list of places to visit.

The Kidd’s Kids concert was Friday night and it seemed as if everyone had a great time. And we came back to the bar afterward and sang some Karaoke and continued our Friday Funday.

big-al-blog-pic-072015Saturday, I woke up and smoked a cigar. It was a very unusual start for an unusual Saturday for me. I sat around at the bar for a little while and helped with the morning clean up getting ready for the day and then I had to run a few errands. While I was gone, a very unusual thing happened. One of my other clean up guys came into work with his breakfast in a paper bag. He sat down and ate his meal, which was fine. Then, he had a conversation with one of the other employees saying that his job was too much work for too little pay and he left. I guess this was his way of saying: “Take this job and shove it.” So, I guess we will shove on along. Later that day, a waitress that was supposed to be in at 2pm didn’t show up. That is what is called a No Call No Show. So, She’s done. And that gave us a total of 2 waitresses on a Saturday Night. So, if you happened to come to my bar over the weekend and received slow service, that’s the reason why. And later in the night, on of my more solid employees got really sick to the point where I had to send her home in a cab because I didn’t want her to have to drive. (No, she wasn’t drunk.) The Help Wanted sign is up!!!