I know I have said it before, but man that was crazy tough. Had a single daddy weekend, but this was different than the other ones I have done, because during this one I had a sick kid. That little tweak makes things 100% tougher. The biggest obstacle is keeping the kids happy. So on Friday, I asked what they wanted to do and both of them said they wanted to go to Target. Yup, Target. So we went to Target, and walked around for about an hour. They had a blast looking at all the toys. We were about to leave, and I started feeling guilty for just using Target for the air conditioning and entertainment, so I let the kids pick out one small toy each. Great times!

rachel-platten-fight-song-song-lyricsWarning: here is my estrogen moment of the weekend. On the drive back home that “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten came on the radio. Cason is getting to the age where he sings his lil heart out. I had no idea he knew this song, and when the chorus hit, he sang it in his little boy voice, and tried to do the runs along with her. He put emphasis on “gotta be strong”… the whole nine. I have no idea why, but it made me emotional. Next thing I know, I have a couple tears running down my face. I was sitting there trying to take in the moment, but also wondering: “What the hell is going on!?!?!” There was just something about the way he was looking out the window, and the way he was singing with passion.

Saturday was one of those days where we just went out and about all day. My goal was to get the kids tired so that they would sleep like rocks. I would then order the Ronda Rousey fight, and go to bed by 11 pm, so that I could get a nice full night’s rest. I had the plan on lock. This is where things unraveled. Mostly because the fight did not go down until about midnight. I think I got into bed at 1 am. At 4:45ish I heard Chloe scream “papa!” I ran to her room, and she was standing up with a lil bit of spit up in her crib. I took her out and told her to go to my room. I figured it was a small burp. I took the sheets off, and put them in the laundry room to wash them later, and that’s when I heard her scream again. I went into my room, and she was projectile vomiting everywhere. Everywhere. It was one of those, run around in circles doing nothing, moments because I was half asleep. I put her in the living room, because she was wide-awake, with a calm baby show to keep her attention. I get to cleaning the floor in my room, when it happened again in the living room. That’s when I realized I was in for a long day… and I was. Poor Cason wanted to go bye bye, but we couldn’t because his sister was sick. He was actually really good too. He would walk up to her and ask if she was ok throughout the day. It’s cool to see them actually caring about each other. Cason actually made it easier on me, because if he would have behaved differently, I would probably have crumpled.

Good news is that my wife gets home today, and Chloe was able to keep her food down since about 7pm… I know I have said this before, but the respect I have for single parents who have to do it all every. single. day is astronomical. I am beyond grateful to have a partner standing side by side with me.