We have a bully problem at my house… no, my son is not going crazy on his sister. My kids have actually been little angels… lil’ angels that color on the walls, hide phones, and stick sharp toys in my shoes. Anyways, back to the subject at hand. Kellie Rasberry bought me a squirrel feeder for Christmas, and ever since then, my backyard has become a squirrel playground. I LOVE IT! Watching squirrels play brings joy to my life. Why? I don’t know, they just do.

Unfortunately, the last couple of weeks, I have noticed that my squirrel numbers have diminished quite a bit, and as I watched closely, because I run a very tight ship on the squirrel playground. Everyone needs to treat each other with respect, and one squirrel in particular has a problem with that. Yup, I have a bully squirrel that runs the other squirrels off. I can recognize him now. He has a super bushy tail, he is slightly bigger than the rest, and he has white stripe on his head. This dude is mean… I watch him run other squirrels off, and wants the feeder to himself, so I got out there, and kick him out, but he keeps coming back… well now, he has committed a felony. How did I uncover this felony? My son helped me… unfortunately.

Kinsey was getting ready for her style me Kinsey sale in the laundry room/office, and I was with the kids. Cason is a big boy now, and loves to go play in his lil playground in the backyard, so I stayed inside with Chloe, occasionally looking out. Cason was hanging out near the squirrels, having a good time. I went to put Chloe in the living room so she could drink her bottle. Came back out to get a glass of water, and noticed Cason was inside by the dining room table next to the door to the backyard. I asked, “are you having fun, buddy?!” He quickly whispered, “shhhhhh, papa!” So I got all “dont you shush papa” on him and said, “why?” I started to walk over, and he looked up at me, and said, “shhhhh, he sleeping…” as he held a dead bird up, and pet it… when I say dead bird, I mean dead bird with full on grossness. The bird did not pass away peacefully.

j-si-blog-squirrelI was frozen. My son now has a dead bird for a pet. I ran, got a paper towel, grabbed the bird, and told Cason the bird needs to sleep outside. I would try to dispose of it later. Of course, he threw a fit, because he didnt want me to “wake up his bird”. We went straight to the bathroom to wash his hands. I walked back out to take care of the bird, and noticed the Bully Squirrel was dragging the bird. I wanted to see what was happening. He drug the bird all the way to the squirrel feeder, and stuffed it in there. No joke! The bully squirrel is a murderer… I went over there and found another dead bird in the corner of my yard next to the fence. So since we can have nice things, and my squirrel feeder is tainted, I had to take it away from my squirrel family.