That sounds really creepy, it was more just me catching Maximus sitting up like a human watching TV. How does he get himself into this position? And the 20 photos I have of him like this completely reveals what cabin fever I had this weekend. I’m over drinking at bars, I’m not in the mood to meet anyone new romantically and I’m tired. Like, fall asleep during the series finale of Breaking Bad tired.
Yea, yea, I’m admitting that and I’m ashamed of it. Don’t worry I woke up and rewound and finished it of course. I’m not going to stroke the Breaking Bad ego here. Everyone respectable in TV is raving about the finale being the best show ending of all time. I enter into evidence Six Feet Under’s ending….but maybe I need to watch again. I feel like it’s my fault for putting so much pressure onto a TV show. It’s a lose-lose situation. Does it make me crazy that I wanted and expected more death? I think the ending was satisfying and tied up all the loose ends and questions and didn’t leave you wondering, what about (anything/anyone)? As an avid fan of this show from Day one, I just expected more death. In a real drug dealing world, there is just no way all of Walt’s family is going to get out unscathed…but you gotta end with him being likable still. As predicted, Walt dies and Dexter lives, and compared to that finale of Dexter, the season finale of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo would be more exciting. Even my creepy pug photo shoot was more exciting than the Dexter finale.