Yes I’m having a birthday party for my dog. Yes, I am doing that. I have always wanted to have an all denim themed party for him and there’s really no better time than now. He is feeling better than he has in months and chances are good that this could be his last birthday so why not do it big? Speaking of big, Maximus has put on 1.5 pounds. I know this doesn’t sound like much, but considering he lost 7 pounds from his diabetes this is a great thing. The problem is, his custom denim rocker vest I had custom made in Australia is too snug now. He has 3 weeks to get into shape for the vest. I have 3 weeks to get into shape for this single life. After last year’s birthday, I always intend on feeling fit when my birthday comes around. I felt great and had no qualms about turning 30 because honestly I felt healthy and surrounded by my favorite people. I think that is the key to my happiness for the most part. Here’s to dog bod birthday camp. What does that entail you ask? Yesterday we did a 45-minute walk, 12 flights of stairs and he tore apart his Costa Rican monkey aka my vacation memories. I was fine with it and happy to see that he is feeling so frisky.
I know I tweeted this out yesterday, but I am at a crossroads. I am totally over my last relationship, but absolutely in the mood for another one. Nothing too serious by any means, just something to enjoy and have someone to look forward to things with. I don’t often meet the type of guy I am instantly attracted to though. I’d say it’s a combination of looks-attractive, but not too hot; darkish hair; dark eyes; fit without being gym obsessed; career-driven; and most importantly, a great personality. Now that is my ideal, obviously I’m willing to compromise on some of those things. Lately, I’ve been seeing a whole new batch of hot men at the gym. Maybe they’ve always been there and I was just too zoned in on the person I was so attracted to, but I see them now. Who am I kidding, I always check out a hot guy whether I am single or not. After spending the weekend going out to bars with my friends, I once again recognized that isn’t my scene. I don’t enjoy the lack of intimacy a loud bar/club serves up. Sure, I love getting dressed up and going to dinner and drinks with friends every now and then. It’s just that conversation levels seem to end at hello, how’ve you been, how’s work…etc. I just know I will not be meeting my future boyfriend at a bar at 1 am. I’m not sure how I will meet him, but that is not it. Makes my weekend planning easier that’s for sure. Truly no FOMO here. I totally get why 20 something girls are dressed up cute and out all night. I dabbled in that more when I was that age too. I’m just not there anymore and it doesn’t do anything for my soul. I am actually turned off by the guys that are my age and older and go out every weekend night. I automatically think, “What are they running away from?”
That brings me back to meeting people. Honestly, the gym is ideal for me because that’s my kind of person. I want someone who cares about fitness. The problem I’ve run into at my particular gym is that the hot men are either gay or married. The ring is an elusive thing at the gym, since men don’t wear it to work out. I’ve already determined one older hot man was married and even though he talks to me all the time, I am avoiding that one like the plague. Maybe I believe in karma, but I don’t play with married man fire. Sunday I was back at the gym at 8:30 in the morning. Then I see a new hot guy. Man, I meant man. Definitely in his mid 30’s and in great-I have a career but still get fitness in without being gym nazi-shape. But then why would a super hot man be working out at 8 am on a Sunday? He definitely wasn’t gay. I’ve honed that radar of mine. He must be married right? How do I hit on him? I mean, how do I determine that he’s not married first and then how do I hit on him? I may never see him again since that was such an off time. Can I start a gym missed connections board or is that super next level creepshow?