I’ve always said my favorite thing about having a boyfriend is getting to travel and him carrying my luggage. Seriously, I adore this and am coldly reminded of being single when I travel alone. I realized something else I dig this weekend. We went on a movie date to one of those theaters where they have couches and oversized chairs. Saw Sicario-not great wah wah. However, the couple behind us was making a movie of their own. Talking the entire time, kissing, kicking our chairs because she had to sit on his lap! I have never understood why you would go to a movie when you want to act this way. If you are so in love, you can’t leave each other alone for 2 seconds, then stay home and Netflix and chill! Anyway, you know from the past that I am not one to be silent in matters like this. I am not a big fan of confrontation, but I am not scared of it either. I would normally turn around and say, “Could you be quiet?” but after that flight a few weeks back where they nearly landed the plane because of that crazy political man, I decided that I have run out of challenges for the year. It was so nice to have someone else do it! Such a man thing to do. Turn around and stare, turn around and say shut up! Yea! Get ’em. We didn’t actually solve the problem, but it was cool to see him take charge.
I know I said I ran out of challenges for the year, but yesterday that all restarted. My mom walked into my place in tears after taking her car to get an inspection. She said they broke it, it won’t start and now we have to get it towed. No mom. This is where I feel like people either back down or they get mad. I was mad. If the people that were fixing your car, messed with wires and fuses and now it won’t start, then they are the people that need to fix the car. I begrudgingly drove over there to help Candy solve this problem. 2 hours later we are still standing there, but it had to be done. Turns out, they had left something unplugged and the car was in theft mode. I don’t know a lot about cars, but really? Doesn’t everyone know to check and make it’s plugged in? I thought that was just something we learned. From the TV, to the Christmas tree lights. Are you sure it’s plugged in? If Candy had been left on her own, she would have paid to get it towed. I jokingly yet not totally jokingly told her this is how old people get taken advantage of. But seriously, she’s not a grandma yet…