Juan Pablo’s new girlfriend… Who is the next Bachelor?… Justin Timberlake pops in to say, “CHEESE”… Johnny Depp photos leaked… and Justin Bieber deletes Instagram account

Juan Pablo has a new girlfriend! The former Bachelor told People has been dating Venezuelan model and TV host Osmariel Villalobos for the past few months. He said a mutual friend showed him her picture last year and he asked, “Who’s that girl? She’s cute!” Juan said his friend told him, “If you meet her in real life, you’ll die. She’s great!” Juan Pablo started following her on Instagram and says he didn’t think much of it until May 13. That’s when Osmariel posted a video of herself dancing with her nephew and he thought it was so cute, he had to comment on it. Osmariel replied. And then he sent her a private message. And then they exchanged numbers and started texting. And next thing you know, they’re dating!

So who is the next Bachelor? Producer Mike Fleiss is teasing us on Twitter, debating whether he’ll make the announcement after the Olympics end on Sunday, or after he hits 100K followers. Meantime, he’s dropping clues and, let’s be honest — they’re not helpful. “He’s very handsome! And he likes sunrises more than sunsets.” “Your next Bachelor makes a mean tuna casserole!” “Your next Bachelor can run a mile in less than 6 minutes.”

Justin Timberlake popped up to surprise a bride and groom during their pre-reception photos. Chelsey Gaudet and Ryan Parks were having their pictures taken at the Mount Washington Hotel in New Hampshire on Saturday when Justin just popped up and said, “Cheese!” The bride told ET that Justin was having lunch nearby when her father saw him and asked him to do this one little favor. She says she had no idea the picture she posted would go viral. Duh.

jt wedding

More stuff that makes Johnny Depp look REAL bad was leaked yesterday, but Amber Heard says she has no idea how this stuff is getting leaked. Sources told The Post that about a month after they got married, Johnny and Amber got into a huge fight because he thought she had an affair with Billy Bob Thornton when they were filming “London Fields.” Reportedly, Johnny was throwing and smashing things and ended up cutting off the tip of this finger. The source said, “He was super high. He consumed an entire bag’s worth of ecstasy. He was taking coke, smoking weed and drinking red wine….He was so high, he couldn’t feel anything and was writing all over the walls in blood and paint.” Johnny scrawled on one mirror, “STARRING BILLY BOB EASY AMBER.” And now Billy Bob wants us all to know — especially his wife! — that he did NOT have an affair with Amber Heard.


Justin Bieber threatened to make his Instagram private if people didn’t stop trolling his new girlfriend Sofia Richie. But now he’s gone and shut the whole thing down! Is this because he and Selena Gomez got into an IG fight with each accusing the other one of cheating? We’re not sure because Justin hasn’t explained himself. But shortly after Justin pulled the plug, Selena went on Snapchat to apologize for her part in all of this. She wrote, “What I said was selfish and pointless.”


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