My weekend started off with a trip to my second restaurant location in Seagoville, Texas. This location is a very slow process in terms of sales and growth but as I’m constantly reminding myself, it’s simply a smaller town and things take longer there. We did try something different this week. The mechanical bull was an idea that I thought would work there but it turned out to not be as popular as I thought. Don’t you hate it when you have a “Great Idea” and it turns out to not be as great as you thought? It was a very slow night. But we will still have more ideas and we’ll keep trying to make this location succeed.

big-al-blog-110716-300x300The next day, I woke up at the crack of dawn and hit the gym. It’s been a while since I’ve done this with any consistency but now is the time. I proposed a challenge with “White Cheddar,” our producer. The challenge is to be the first man to lose 20 pounds. My biggest challenge is remembering that I’m trying to lose weight. Hopefully, after this week, I will be a LOT more successful in remembering.

My girlfriend and I haven’t seen each other in over a month. There will be times when we don’t see each other for a while and this is one of those times. We do get to talk 2-3 times per day, so that’s good. It doesn’t seem like it been almost 6 months since she moved to Detroit but it has. The good news is, only 30 more months to go…

Well, not a very exciting weekend as I sit and write about it. But green tea and salads will be the meals of the week.

Have a great week!