Burke Ramsey will sue CBS… Ray LaMontagne’s thoughts on concealed handguns… Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes are not married… Gigi and Bella Hadid’s scary encounter… and Brad Pitt investigated for child abuse

Burke Ramsey’s lawyer says he will sue CBS for defamation after “The Case of: JonBenet Ramsey” blamed Burke for his sister’s murder. L. Lin Wood told TMZ that CBS used phony experts who came up with this false theory just to profit off the 20th anniversary of JonBenet’s death. CBS’ documentary concluded that Burke hit his little sister over the head with a heavy flashlight and that his parents covered up the murder to protect him.

Ray LaMontagne has canceled an upcoming concert at UT Austin because he doesn’t like that concealed handguns are allowed on the campus. State law allows licensed permit holders to bring concealed handguns into many performance venues on public university campuses. Ray posted on his Facebook page, “I realize this is a controversial issue and there are strong feelings on both sides of it. But no matter how hard I try to understand the rationale for allowing guns on campus or more broadly, the ‘concealed carry’ law in general, I just cannot in any way support that ideology.” The university released a statement saying it regrets Mr. LaMontagne’s decision but respects his right to do so. But some are calling him a hypocrite because he hasn’t canceled to other shows in Texas, and concealed weapons are allowed in the entire state.

Forget what was reported yesterday. A source close to Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes says they are not married, secretly or otherwise.

Gigi and Bella Hadid were leaving the Max Mara show at Milan Fashion Week when a fan grabbed Gigi around the waist and lifted her off the ground. Gigi rightfully freaked out, swinging her elbows and fists trying to fight this guy off while Bella was yelling, “Let her go!” The man set her back down and took off, but Gigi followed after him yelling, “Who the (BLANK) are you, you piece of (BLANK)!!” The sisters then got into a waiting car while Gigi pointed out the picker-upper to a security guard, asking him to go get him.

Brad Pitt is under investigation for child abuse after after he allegedly got verbally and physically abusive with his children while on a private plane. Sources familiar with the situation told TMZ that Brad, Angelina and their kids were on a flight last Wednesday when Brad allegedly got wasted. He allegedly went crazy nuts, screaming and getting physical with at least one of his children. The plane landed, but Brad allegedly continued his rant on the tarmac and even tried to leave in one of the fuel trucks. The sources say someone either on the plane or on the tarmac anonymously reported the incident to the LA County Department of Children and Family Services. The sources say Brad and Angelina were already interviewed by the child welfare officials, who have plans to interview the children, as well. This reportedly is the incident that led Angelina to separate from Brad the next day and file for divorce on Monday. Interesting to note that the ONLY thing she’s asking for is physical custody of the children and that her attorney released a statement saying, “This decision was made for the health of the family.”


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