Nicki Minaj’s dad’s killer sentenced… Jason Momoa’s plastic-free water bottles… Ellen Pompeo has reduced onscreen role… Britney Spears lashes out… and Chrissy Teigen & John Legend expecting another baby
Listen to “Showbiz – Aug 4, 2022” on Spreaker.Back in February 2021, Nicki Minaj’s father Robert Maraj was walking down a street on Long Island when he was struck by a car driven by Charles Polevich. Officers say Polevich did stop to see if Mr. Maraj was hurt, but instead of calling 911, he got back in his car, drove home, covered his car with a tarp and hid it in his garage. Mr. Maraj was rushed to the hospital in critical condition, but died the next day. He was only 64. Nicki said it was “the most devastating loss” of her life. In court, Polevich’s lawyer suggested his client — who is now 72 — may have had a medical issue at the time of the crash and wasn’t fully aware of what had happened when he fled. But yesterday, Polevich pleaded guilty to two felony charges — leaving the scene of an incident without reporting and tampering with physical evidence. He was sentenced to only one year in jail. His driver’s license is also suspended for 6 months and he has to pay a $5000 fine. Nicki’s mom is furious that Polevich only got a year in prison after leaving her husband “like a dog on the street.” She said one year is “a slap in the face for the family.”
The driver who killed Nicki Minaj’s father, Robert Maraj, in a hit-and-run was just sentenced to time behind bars. https://t.co/JkoUgIeGtI
— TMZ (@TMZ) August 3, 2022
Imagine you fall asleep on your flight and then — *tap tap tap* — you wake up to Jason Momoa asking if you’d like something to drink! That’s what happened to some lucky passengers on a Hawaiian Airlines flight. Jason has an eco-friendly line of water called Mananalu that comes in aluminum bottles. To celebrate his company’s first airline partnership, Jason dressed up like a flight attendant to hand out his water to the surprised passengers. Not only that, he reportedly gifted each passenger with 10K miles! Jason posted a video on social media, saying this was a dream come true. He said the idea for Mananalu water actually came to him on a flight. And for every bottle sold, they will remove one plastic bottle from the ocean. And so far this year, Jason says they’ve removed 3M plastic bottles.
Aquaman star Jason Momoa hands out plastic-free water bottles while serving as a flight attendant pic.twitter.com/VUeiRg4OyN
— The Sun (@TheSun) August 4, 2022
For years, it’s felt like Ellen Pompeo wants to walk away from “Grey’s Anatomy,” but then Shonda Rhimes throws a ton of money at her and she stays. As of right now, Ellen is earning $19M per season. But as the show enters Season 19, Ellen reportedly will only appear in 8 episodes. That frees her up to star in Hulu’s upcoming limited series called “Orphan.” This is based on 2009 film about the FASCINATING true story of Ukranian-born Natalia Grace, who was adopted by a couple in the US who thought they were adopting an 8-year-old girl with a rare form of dwarfism. But the couple slowly came to realize that Natalia was an adult sociopath pretending to be a child!
Ellen Pompeo will have a reduced onscreen role in the upcoming Season 19 of “Grey’s Anatomy.” She will appear in eight episodes of the new season.https://t.co/CmCMAf1oPB
— Variety (@Variety) August 3, 2022
Britney Spears is free to post whatever she feels like on Instagram. Lately, it’s been a lot of nude photos on a bed and rocking back and forth in different outfits. But now, Britney has decided to go after the Catholic church! Well, just one Catholic church. In a since-deleted post, Britney posted a picture of a church and captioned it, “This is where I originally wanted to get married during COVID!!!! I wanted to go every Sunday … it’s beautiful and they said it was temporarily shut down due to COVID !!!! Then 2 years later when I wanted to get married there they said I had to be catholic and go through a TEST !!!!” Britney was raised as a Southern Baptist. In the comments, of course there were a ton of people telling Britney that the church did her wrong, but others tried to explain that it’s common for a church to require at least one partner to be practicing their religion in order to get married there. It didn’t take long for fans to recognize the picture Britney posted was of St. Monica Catholic Church in Santa Monica, California. But a representative for that church said they’ve checked their records and there’s no indication Britney ever visited there in person or asked to get married there.
Britney Spears claimed a Catholic church in L.A. wouldn’t allow her to get married there … but the church says she never even contacted them about a wedding. https://t.co/q4jrCBKrYF
— TMZ (@TMZ) August 4, 2022
In September 2020, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend suffered a devastating loss when their son Jack was delivered prematurely and passed away. Back in February, Chrissy revealed that she was going through IVF treatments, and yesterday, she revealed that she’s very pregnant! Chrissy posted a couple photos of her growing belly, captioning them, “the last few years have been a blur of emotions to say the least, but joy has filled our home and hearts again. 1 billion shots later (in the leg lately, as u can see!) we have another on the way. Every appointment I’ve said to myself, “ok if it’s healthy today I’ll announce” but then I breathe a sigh of relief to hear a heartbeat and decide I’m just too nervous still. I don’t think I’ll ever walk out of an appointment with more excitement than nerves but so far, everything is perfect and beautiful and I’m feeling hopeful and amazing. Ok phew it’s been very hard keeping this in for so long!”
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend Expecting Another Baby 22 Months After Suffering Pregnancy Loss https://t.co/bBONeYFbe6
— People (@people) August 3, 2022