Jeffery Dahmer’s glasses for sale… Snoop Dogg’s Snazzle O’s… Paramore addressed a situation… Brad Pitt’s response… and Harry Styles has postponed his Chicago show
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“Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story” is the hottest thing on Netflix right now. Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested and convicted of murdering 17 boys and men between 1970 and 1990. According to the brief synopsis on the IMDb, this is the “story of the Milwaukee Monster told from the perspective of the victims and police incompetence that allowed the Wisconsin native to go on a multiyear killing spree.” It’s getting mixed reviews — some are calling it too disturbing to watch. Others say it moves too slow. Either way, it’s still number one on Netflix. And if you are obsessed with all things Dahmer, this might interest you. Jeffrey Dahmer’s glasses are on sale for $150K. Taylor James is the founder of Cult Collectibles, and he says he got Jeffrey’s glasses as well as some of his cutlery, his Bible, family photos and other memorabilia from Jeffrey’s former housekeeper. You can find a lot of that stuff for sale on the Cult Collectibles website, but for the glasses, Taylor says you need to reach out to him directly. There is one interesting thing to note about these eyeglasses. In the Netflix series, they show Jeffrey wearing his glasses in court. But in real life, he didn’t. Reportedly, he didn’t want to make eye contact or be able to see the families of his victims during the court proceedings.
Jeffery Dahmer’s glasses are currently being auctioned for $150k 😳‼️ pic.twitter.com/VeTrLSkr7T
— RapTV (@Rap) October 2, 2022
Snoop Dogg loves weed and he’s looking for ways to build his cannabis empire. Snoop has teamed up with TSUMo Snacks to launch his own brand of edibles in a very surprising, unexpected way. When TSUMo first started talking to Snoop about collaborating, he mentioned that when he was a kid, he really loved Funyuns. So after many taste testings, Snoop finally approved his own version of Funyuns, Snazzle Os! Snoop explained to “The Washington Post,” “There are plenty of sweet edibles out there, so when I created this product I wanted to put the Dogg twist on it, which is why I’m bringing the savory THC-infused crispy onion-flavored rings to my home state of California. You know that if I’m going to put my name on something, it’s guaranteed stamped Snoop D-O-Double-G fresh.”
Snoop Dogg, in partnership with TSUMo Snacks, has launched Snazzle Os—a 420 spin on one of his favorite onion-flavored munchies. @SnoopDogg https://t.co/MKyFVXQstu
— High Times (@HIGH_TIMES_Mag) October 4, 2022
After their concert in Salt Lake City the other night, Paramore came off stage and found out about an ugly incident that took place in the audience. They went on their Instagram page to explain, “After last night’s show in SLC, we were made aware of an incident that happened in the crowd while we were onstage. A man physically and verbally assaulted multiple women, including an engaged couple at our show. Our security team and venue staff were made aware and were able to restrain and remove him. We did not realize this was happening, as the incident took place out of view from the stage. Had we seen any of this happening, we would have stopped the show until the situation was under control. PARAMORE DOES NOT CONDONE violence, homophobia, or bigotry of any kind. It is supremely unwelcome in our community and has no place at our shows. To the fans who were hurt by or who witnessed what happened last night, we are so sorry. We hope that you know we will always do anything we can to protect you and make you feel celebrated. To make things as clear as possible: Paramore shows are meant to be a safe place for people. If you can’t respect that, do not come.” PERIOD.
Paramore addressed a situation at their Salt Lake City concert involving a male attendee allegedly assaulting multiple women.https://t.co/dq3T9C4i51
— billboard (@billboard) October 5, 2022
Brad Pitt’s lawyer has released a statement in response of Angelina Jolie’s latest court filing, which accused Brad of attacking her and their kids on a private plane six years ago, choking one of the children and hitting another child in the face, then pouring beer and wine on them. She filed for divorce a week later. Anne Kiley said, “Brad has owned everything he’s responsible for from day one — unlike the other side — but he’s not going to own anything he didn’t do. He has been on the receiving end of every type of personal attack and misrepresentation. Thankfully, the various public authorities the other side has tried to use against him over the past six years have made their own independent decisions. Brad will continue to respond in court as he has consistently done.” Brad was investigated by the LA Department of Children and Family Services, who cleared him of any charges. Because the flight was international, the FBI also investigated. They didn’t file any charges either. A source close to Brad told Entertainment Tonight, “It’s incredibly sad that (Angelina) continues to rehash, revise and reimagine her description of an event that happened six years ago, adding in completely untrue information to try to get additional attention for herself at the expense of their family.”
Brad Pitt will keep responses to abuse allegations made by ex-wife Angelina Jolie in court: lawyer https://t.co/7Y0pylVSuI
— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 7, 2022
On Wednesday night, Demi Lovato went on social media to say she had to cancel her concert that night just outside Chicago because she’d completely lost her voice. Last night, two hours before he was set to take the stage for his first show in Chicago, Harry Styles canceled his show, rescheduling it for Monday. According to a tweet from the venue, Harry’s show was canceled “out of an abundance of caution” due to “band/crew illness.” A spokesperson for his record label said Harry wasn’t affected. But is this just a weird, unfortunate coincidence for fans in Chicago? Or is something going on? Over the past several days, The Weeknd, Paramore, Ringo Starr, Stevie Nicks, and Coldplay all canceled their concerts, citing excuses like lost voices, COVID, and respiratory and lung infections. Some fans are speculating that this is more than just a coincidence. Could this be some sort of protest against record labels? Or are these performers actually sick?
Harry Styles has postponed his Chicago show due to illness https://t.co/MTi80adZgA
— billboard (@billboard) October 6, 2022