Todd Chrisley’s daughter’s car accident… “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” to Netflix… Jennifer Holliday receiving death threats… Zahara’s biological mother returns… and Is Miley Cyrus secretly married to Liam Hemsworth?

If you’re a fan of “Chrisley Knows Best,” you know Todd Chrisley’s daughter, 19-year-old Savannah. She was involved in a pretty scary car accident yesterday. Apparently, she was driving in a rainstorm and somehow her floor mat became stuck under the gas pedal. She reached down to fix it, but when she looked up, her car had veered toward the guardrail and she ended up crashing. The airbags deployed, leaving Savannah with a fractured vertebrae in her neck and several bruises and burns from the airbags. But most importantly, she survived.

You may have heard that Jerry Seinfeld has a talk show called “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee,” but you may have never seen it because you didn’t know where to find this Crackle streaming network. Well, now Jerry is taking his show over to Netflix, which means more of us will finally see it. Twenty-four new episodes will premiere on Netflix later this year. Jerry’s also signed on to do two standup specials for Netflix, which is signing up comedians left and right for specials lately! They’ve recently announced contracts with Amy Schumer, Dave Chappell and Chris Rock.

Despite reports that Jennifer Holliday pulled out of performing at Donald Trump’s inauguration after receiving death threats was “fake news,” Jennifer says, oh no. That was for real! Jennifer went on “The View” yesterday and explained that she’s performed for Presidents Reagan, Clinton and both Bushes. And the reason she agreed to perform at Trump’s inauguration was because she’s an artist and she loves America. Plus, she said she wanted to use her voice as as “instrument of healing and unity.” But after it was announced that she was performing, she says not only did she receive tremendous backlash from the LGBT community, she also received death threats. So less than 24 hours after it was announced she was in, Jennifer pulled out.

Angelina Jolie has six children. Three of them are adopted and three of them are by birth. Back in 2005, Angelina adopted her daughter Zahara from Ethiopia when she was just six moths old. And now, 12 years later, Zahara’s biological mother is asking for a chance to be a part of Zahara’s life. Mentewab Dawit Lebiso told the “Daily Mail” in London that she doesn’t want Zahara back, she just wants her to know that she’s alive and able to speak with her. She said, “Angelina has been more of a mother to her than I have ever been… but that does not mean I do not miss her… I would like Zahara to know she has a mother who loves her as much as Angelina… She has a life that I could never give her, but I would still like to have some contact.” Ms. Lebiso said before she dies, she would like the opportunity to tell Zahara about the family she has in Ethiopia. She said, “I do not think it is too much to ask.”

Did Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth pull a fast one and have a last-minute, secret wedding on New Year’s Eve?? After calling off their engagement, the couple reconnected about a year ago and she started wearing her engagement ring again. According to NW magazine, Miley and Liam’s families were all in San Diego for a New Year’s Eve party and they simply decided, Why not? All of our family is here so let’s just do this! A source says Miley and Liam told them about it just hours before the ceremony. The magazine claims the couple quickly wrote their own vows, saying they were each other’s soul mates. And then during the course of the night, Miley posted a picture of her mom, Liam’s mom and Chris Hemsworth’s mother-in-law, captioning it “in laws.”

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Family! #inlaws (no law)

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