Vin Diesel’s surprise performance… Khloe Kardashian is being sued… Johnny Depp showed up at Disneyland… Chris Soules has lawyered up with the best… and Jay Z is being pressured to take paternity test

Vin Diesel loves to sing whether you love to listen to it or not. Last night, he gave a surprise performance at the Billboard Latin Music Awards in Miami, popping up to perform with Nicky Jam on his new single, “El Ganador.” Vin actually rapped in Spanish! Everybody loved it! Vin is taking this music stuff seriously. He says he’s even one of the vocalists on Selena Gomez and Kygo’s single, “It Ain’t Me.”

Khloe Kardashian posted a picture of Khloe Kardashian on Instagram. So what’s the problem? Xposure Photos UK says the problem is, they have the copyright on that photo and Khloe posted it without credit or permission. She’s being sued for $150K.

Visitors on the “Pirates of the Caribbean” ride at Disneyland Wednesday had the surprise of a lifetime when the real life Captain Jack Sparrow showed up! Johnny Depp got all decked out in his pirate costume and did the whole Jack Sparrow spiel as riders floated by, swing his sword and teasing them. Thankfully, a lot of them got video of it, which is all over the internet. The fifth “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” hits theaters May 26.

Johnny Depp surprises Disneyland guests as Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

Chris Soules has lawyered up with the best that Des Moines has to offer — the team at Parrish Kruidenier. In a statement, Chris’ attorneys would like to point out that Chris’ 911 call that was released to the public “proved that the initial knee-jerk coverage of this accident was incorrect. While initial reports suggested Soules fled the scene, the 911 call confirms that Soules in fact was the one who contacted law enforcement immediately. During the call, he clearly identified himself and explained his role in the terrible accident. Soules attempted to resuscitate Mr. Mosher and remained on the scene with him until emergency medical personnel arrived.” Chris’ lawyers are looking at the possibility of getting a gag order to prevent other misinformation getting out there and screwing up Chris’ right to a fair trial. is reporting that Jay Z may be forced into taking a paternity test to prove whether or not he’s the father of 23-year-old Rymir Satterthwaite. Rymir has always wanted to know the truth, and his mom started her legal battle to prove Jay Z was her baby daddy back in 2010. They hired an attorney to try to get Jay Z to take a DNA test, but all their efforts kept getting blocked. Finally Rymir and his mom figured out what was up, and back in November they filed a lawsuit against their own attorney, claiming he was in cahoots with Jay Z’s legal team to prevent that DNA from ever happening! Radar is saying the case should be ready for trial in December 2018.


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