SPOILER ALERT… “Empire” final season cut short… Cameron &Lauren update… Amber Heard hired a P.I… and Taylor Swift is helping a Nashville record store

SPOILER ALERT!!! “The Masked Singer” featured the Super 9 — the top three contestants from Groups A, B and C. After performing Right Said Fred’s “I’m Too Sexy,” the White Tiger got the least votes and was forced to reveal himself. Incorrect guesses included J.J. Watt and Joe Manganiello. But the majority of the Internet got it right with Rob Gronkowski. By the way, if you love Gronk, he’s hosting two nights of WrestleMania on the WWE Network this Saturday and Sunday.

The Coronavirus has messed things up for the planned finale of “Empire.” There were supposed to be 20 episodes in their sixth and final season, but with everything shut down, they’re going to have to wrap things up with Episode 18, which will air on April 21. According to Deadline, they were in the middle of filming Episode 19 when production stopped, so they will be able to incorporate a few of those scenes into the 18th, but whatever big plan they did have for Episode 20 will never come to fruition. UNLESS……..Back in January, Deadline reported that Fox was considering doing a spinoff with Taraji P. Henson’s character, Cookie Lyon. Maybe the first episode of that could be the last episode of “Empire”?

Some people go reality TV to find love. Others go on hoping to become Instagram stars. Sometimes, they get lucky and have both! And that’s the case for Cameron and Lauren from “Love Is Blind.” People are in love with their love story, which has landed them on every talk show imaginable. Their Instagram numbers have gone through the roof. They recently launched their own YouTube Channel, “Hangin’ With the Hamiltons.” And now, the couple has signed with CAA, whose other clients include A-listers like Jennifer Aniston, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, and Priyanka Chopra, just to name a FEW.

The drama continues between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. She hired a private investigator to dig up some dirt on Johnny, but it backfired big time. Former 70s porn star turned PI Paul Baressi said he interviewed over 100 people who’ve had interactions with Johnny over the past 3 decades and he couldn’t find a single person who spoke ill of him. Paul said, “I went to the US, France, Italy, Britain, everywhere that Johnny Depp roamed…I couldn’t find one instance, or at least an admitted one, where he was physically abusive to a woman, smacked or beaten around…He’s like an angel. Not one who said a deprecating thing.” In fact, Paul said all he heard was glowing reviews of Johnny’s generosity and tender heart. People described how he’d covered legal costs, medical bills and rent for his friends. Now Amber’s legal team says Paul is lying.

After tornadoes hit Nashville a few weeks ago, Taylor Swift donated a million dollars to the relief efforts there. And now, in addition to everything else she’s doing, Taylor is helping out a struggling record store. Taylor is covering 3 months of salaries and healthcare costs for the employees of Grimey’s New & Preloved Music. The co-owner of Grimey’s says he didn’t even know his store was on Taylor’s radar.

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