Kyra Sedgwick replaces Demi Moore… Thomas Gibson kicks writer… Taylor Kinney wants Lady Gaga back… “Fast 8” final scenes… and Tom Cruise hasn’t seen Suri in 3 years
Demi Moore is too good for network TV. Kyra Sedgwick is not. Demi was all set to star in the upcoming cable drama “Ten Days in the Valley.” She would play an overworked TV producer who is separating from her husband when her young daughter goes missing in the middle of the night. Demi was completely on board until ABC picked it up. Apparently, cable or streaming is more prestigious than network television, so Demi bailed. But Kyra is MORE than happy to slum it in prime time.
Thomas Gibson not only stars on “Criminal Minds,” he also directs the show from time-to-time. TMZ is reporting that while Thomas was directing and acting in a scene recently, he got into a creative dispute with one of the show’s writers. It got so ugly that Thomas ended up kicking the guy in the leg! Obviously, the writer was livid. He called his agent, who then called the big bosses at CBS. Thomas tried to argue that the writer became aggressive with him and that the kick was in retaliation, but CBS wasn’t buying it and they suspended him! No word on how long the suspension will last, but Thomas has been gone for two weeks now.
Us Weekly is reporting that Taylor Kinney wants Lady Gaga back. Blaming distance and conflicting work schedules, the couple called off their 17-month engagement in July. Gaga had her assistants move all of her things out of Taylor’s apartment in Chicago, where he lives while filming “Chicago Fire.” But the two of them have been talking and he’s reportedly asking her to take him back.
On Monday, Dwayne Johnson bashed his male co-stars on the set of “Fast 8,” but we later found out he was actually pointing the finger at one man — Vin Diesel. The two of them reportedly had a face-to-face meeting to hash things out, but things didn’t go so well. They still had to finish filming their final scenes together, though. Sources told TMZ that the minute the director yelled cut, Vin gathered everyone to tell them he was leaving. He basically said, “Daddy’s gone” and peaced out. Sources say everybody was thrilled when he left because they are 100% Team Dwayne on this one. In fact, yesterday, Dwayne posted a picture on Instagram of him and some cast and crew wrapping a big prison scene. He praised his stunt team and stunt double, and then addressed his previous rant. He said, “You guys reading this know how much I believe in the idea of TEAM EFFORT. That means respecting every person, their time and their value when they step on to my set or partner with our production company. And like with any team – that’s a family – there’s gonna be conflict. Family is gonna have differences of opinion and fundamental core beliefs. To me, conflict can be a good thing, when its followed by great resolution. I was raised on healthy conflict and welcome it. And like any family, we get better from it. At the end of the day me and #F8 co-stars all agree on the most important thing: Delivering an incredible movie to the world.
We’ve heard that when someone leaves Scientology, they’re iced out. When Katie Holmes left Tom Cruise, she took their daughter with her. When this all went down, Tom was seen taking Suri for little visits. He even took her to Disney World and they spent the night in Cinderella’s castle. But for whatever reason, that has all changed. OK! magazine is reporting that Tom hasn’t seen Suri in over three years. And Gossip Cop — whose sole mission is to bust gossip magazines and websites for reporting false stories — says OK! magazine got this one right. Gossip Cop says not only has Tom not seen his now 10-year-old daughter, he hasn’t contacted her at all. Choosing his religion over his family, Tom had “disconnected” from his ex-wife Katie and now from Suri. Reps for both Katie and Tom have not responded to the story.
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