Well, this is terrifying. A team at Harvard made an app that pairs with Meta’s smart glasses, and can identify anyone on the street in seconds.
Viral Video – A Woman Pretends to Faint to See if Her Geese Will Care
Here’s a nice reminder that our animals love us: A woman on a farm pretended to faint to see if her geese would care. And they DID, very much.
Viral Video – Decorate the Inside of Your Toilet Bowl
Decorating the inside of your toilet with scented “toilet stamps” has become a hot trend on TikTok. Floral-shaped gel stamps aren’t a brand-new product. They’ve been around for years, but most people just put one or two in there.
Viral Video – A Four-Year-Old’s Motivational Speech
This is equal parts devious and cute: A mom asked her four-year-old son to help her do the dishes. And he tried to get out of it with a motivational speech about how he believed in her and knew she could do them herself.
Viral Video – Start Your Week with This Teacher’s Motivational Speech
Here’s something to kickstart your week: An art teacher in Louisville, Kentucky is going viral for a motivational speech she gave her students.