I almost killed my dog. Weezy has horrible allergies, we’ve been trying all sorts of things for her. Steroids, Benadryl, vet told me I can give her Claritin or Zyrtec which I had no clue was safe for dogs. Okay, I thought, so I had some generic Zyrtec and started giving her a little dose-less than recommended actually on Thursday night.
There’s another element here so just pulling back the curtain to my life, someone has been following me. Needless to say I’ve been extremely on edge, alert, distracted, not sleeping and mad because that’s really uncool.
Weezy was noticeably edgy but I thought it was because I haven’t been sleeping and looking out window all day. We were sitting on the porch, I was on watch and Weezy was barking and looking around anxiously. I assumed she was just on guard for me. By Saturday morning Weezy was acting like the Tasmanian devil. Spinning… twitching… honestly like breaking bad pug on meth or something. I decided ok, something is up so I googled antihistamine overdose symptoms. She checked off nearly everything. Hyperactivity, fast heartbeat, muscle spasms, twitching, excessive panting, seizure, sudden death. I grabbed the box of generic Zyrtec and it was then that I put together that it was generic Zyrtec D. I had no clue that the D was deadly. The vet had me to take her to the ER, poison control instructed them on what to give her and 12 hours of IV fluids later, Weezy is alive and well! I feel like the worst dog owner ever.
She couldn’t handle the D.