Today’s overachieving teacher is Kim Gadberry… She is planning on using the money to purchase pipe cleaners, foil, cardboard, glue, and even feathers! Read what she wrote about her class below.

“STEAM supplies! We have a “wonderlab” at our school and are so excited to start planning for our summer library program! Our wonderlab is accessible to all children in our school. All activities are hands on and are aligned with science, technology, engineering, art and math standards. The wonderlab is one of the most favorite places in our school because it is so inviting and full of wonder. We go through gobs of pipe cleaners, foil, cardboard, glue, and even feathers! Also, we are always trying to bring in new technology which gets expensive. We could make $500 go along way though!”

Deserving teachers could win $500 for their class HERE!

Listen to “Overachieving Teachers – Wonderlab” on Spreaker.