Momma Mack had her lunch yesterday at… McDonald’s. Yes, I stopped by her house yesterday and as I was pulling in, she was actually backing out of her driveway. I went up to her car door and she looked so nice in her yellow linen pants and orange linen top. And that’s when she told me that she and her neighbor from down the street were going to have pancakes for lunch at McDonald’s. She’s a “Lady that Lunches!”

Should I invite a random girl to “hang out” in Mexico with me? And by “hang out with me”, I mean this.

I would not be paying for the airfare for the alleged female to go. Nor would we be staying in the same room. BUT, if there is a female that is looking to hang out in Mexico for a few days and she doesn’t have anyone that she can hang out with, I’ll be there by myself as I have been many times before. So, the door is open if someone wants to hang at the beach for a few days.

Speaking of traveling with a female, I’m going to hang out with a buddy at his house in South Carolina in a couple weeks. I’m going alone. This is my buddy that I hang out with EVERY day and have my afternoon beer with and we chat about whatever for an hour or so. We have gone to dinner together. We have vacationed together. We are TIGHT! He actually lives here in Texas (part-time) but he just built a house in Seabrook Island, where he will eventually retire, and I went there last year to visit. My ex and I had a great time with him and his wife. Yesterday, he told me that my ex and her new boyfriend are also going to visit my friend and his wife at his house in South Carolina on Labor Day weekend. Why is this bothering me? Sure, my ex-girlfriend was close to this couple as well. We all hung out together many, many times… But for whatever reason, this makes me feel very weird. I have no right to be disturbed by this but for some reason, it does.