J-Si is starting his own clothing line, “M.O.I.S.T.” He made a commercial for it and it’s raunchy! Would you go out and buy these? Listen to it below and if you’re curious, check out how J-Si’s New Clothing Line got started. listen to ‘Moist Commercial’ on Audioboo
Get Out of Work Update [AUDIO]
The cast helped Anthony get out of work to watch the US World Cup game yesterday, and they caught up with him and his boss Norma this morning. Listen below! listen to ‘Get Out of Work Update’ on Audioboo If you missed it or want to hear it again,
Love Letters to Kellie: How to Rekindle Love and More [AUDIO]
Kellie is the love expert and today she attempts to help listeners mend their relationships. Kellie tries to help one couple rekindle their love. Listen to all of Kellie’s love advice below! Need advice? Ask Kellie, the love expert, and submit your letter here. listen to ‘Love Letters to Kellie’
Emma Kelly Talks About Her Mom [AUDIO]
Kellie’s daughter was in the studio recently and she gave some insight on what Kellie does when she gets home. What does she throw her under the bus for? Listen below to find out! listen to ‘Emma Kelly Audio’ on Audioboo
Ruined Relationships [AUDIO]
The cast has had a number of relationships ruined because of their job, and we took calls to hear how work has ruined your relationship. Listen to the cast, the calls and share your stories below! listen to ‘Ruined Relationships’ on Audioboo