First dates are like job interviews and if you make a mistake, then your chances are not going to look so good. Check out the complete list of men’s mistakes we shared by Tracey Cox for MailOnline and listen below!

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27 First Date Mistakes

  1. Turning up late and not apologizing
  2. Wearing clothes that show he’s made no effort
  3. Not standing up if he’s there first
  4. Not planning anything
  5. Turning up really tired
  6. Having obvious mummy issues
  7. Running into his awful friends
  8. Turning up drunk or getting wasted
  9. Going off to the loo to do drugs
  10. Talking too loudly
  11. Talking about himself all night
  12. Swearing a lot
  13. Being horrible to the waiter
  14. Being racist, sexist or homophobic
  15. Spending all night playing with his phone
  16. Not making eye contact
  17. Bad table manners
  18. Ogling other women or flirting with the waitress
  19. Being super critical of the food or service
  20. Being too eager or territorial
  21. Talking constantly about an ex
  22. Bad-mouthing all his exes
  23. Clashing on key issues
  24. Talking about health problems or addictions
  25. Not offering to pay, unwarranted quibbling about the bill, leaving a lousy tip or none at all
  26. Pushing for sex when it’s obvious we’d rather wait
  27. Not checking to see if you got home OK