Since You Asked…

My new restaurant is creeping to the finish line of being ready to open. I still don’t have cash registers and that’s a problem. But the barstools arrived on Tuesday… 13 of the 15 are awesome. Two are bent up and are trash so I’m hoping that those will be

Dealing With A Fat Shaming Family

What advice would you give to someone that is constantly getting fat-shamed by a family member? And how would you approach your boyfriend about splitting the bills up on a big trip? Need advice? Ask Kellie, the love expert, and submit your letter HERE.   See all Love Letters to

Whatever Wednesday!

Big Al is making plans with an 18-year old girl for Thanksgiving… What and why? Find that out. Plus, we wanna hear about your celebrity encounters and KiddNation members have plenty! Someone met Ben Affleck, another met Blake Shelton, and someone shared the experience they had with Big Al!