Old Chicken

Kinsey was a little late to returning J-Si’s call. He ate some bad chicken… and put it back in the refrigerator. Listen to “Old Chicken” on Spreaker.

Producer Trey’s Deposit

During an episode of The Chatty Daddies podcast, Producer Trey revealed a dilemma he was experiencing… J-Si put him on the spot this morning to reissue his happenings. Hear all the details below. Listen to “Tomorrow On The Show” on Spreaker.

Viral Video: A New Robot Assistant

My dream of having a robot butler just took a huge leap forward.  A Chinese company called Astribot posted a video of their new A.I. robot that can help around the house. It shows it picking up around the house, vacuuming, ironing clothes, watering plants, pouring wine, and cooking a full