After a week in the Dominican Republic, I came home to a very cool surprise. My girlfriend! Well, I knew she was coming but the surprise was when she picked me up from the airport on Friday. That was a great surprise. We left the airport and headed to my bar for an hour or so. She got to see some of our old friends and we had a great night together. That’s when I got another surprise. My son Payton showed up. Apparently, he has moved back to town. He even has a construction job lined up. Two surprises in 1 hour.

pos-300x300Anyway, Saturday morning, my girlfriend and I took a 30-minute car ride to a small town and walked around the city square and had lunch at a small dive restaurant that was great. Then it was time to head back to my bar for a full day of college football.

We took a nap break around 7:30p and then headed back around 11:30p. That’s when I got the call that my POS system was completely down. The Point of Sale system is a fancy way of saying “cash register.” It’s the way that EVERYTHING is rung up and sent to the proper place. In other words, IT’S VERY IMPORTANT and it’s the last thing that you want to break down at midnight on a Saturday. It was a nightmare. After an hour on hold, we finally got the issue fixed but who knows how much money we lost. UGH!

Sunday, we went to brunch and watched more football and then, it was time for her to go back home. She cries every time. It is sad but I hate seeing her cry. But even though the ending was sad, we had a great weekend.