Big Al’s Blog: Big Al to the rescue!
Big Al’s Blog: Big Al to the rescue!

Ok, I’m ok with you bringing your dog over but can he please not poop in my living room? I know its not your fault baby. Has everyone had this happen? It was my second  step this morning. Right into little Chihuahua poop. Good morning everybody!

Could someone please tell me why I have 27 pairs of jeans if I’m going to wear the same 2 pair every week? No idea what I was thinking when I bought the other 25 pair. And the 2 pair that I wear aren’t even the newest ones.

Six words you don’t want to hear at 11:30pm…”the bar is full of smoke!” But that is a phone call that I received. The worst part is I apparently was sleeping pretty hard. Well, I guess that’s not the worse part, but it’s definitely not the best part. My bartender noticed the smell of smoke around 11:30 Monday night. There were a handful of people in the bar. After it didn’t seem to be getting any better, he noticed that it was even coming out of the vents. He went and turned off all of the breakers that controlled the front part of the
s_lowebuilding thinking it was something electrical. I guess that’s about when he told everyone to get out. Then he called me. I was sleeping on my couch and had been since watching the bachelor on DVR. And as best as I can piece together what I said, I’m guessing right around the time on the Bachelor when the girl fell down on the stairs and they called 911, that must be about the time that I fell asleep because it was all I could remember…

Bartender: Al, the bar is full of smoke…what do you want me to do?

Al: Is she ok?

Bartender: Huh? No, no one is hurt…but the bar is full of smoke. But I don’t see any fire… what should I do?

Al: Do you think she’s gonna get a rose?

Bartender: What the hell are you talking about. I’m calling the fire department.

Al: They are there already but I don’t think she’s going to the hospital.

Yes, in a time of crisis, call Big Al to the rescue…unless, its after 11pm.

Clearly, I was not the person to call at that moment. The good news is we think it was a motor in the air conditioner/heating unit that was faulty and hopefully, we can get that fixed today.