Big Al’s Blog: Do it like a lady
Big Al’s Blog: Do it like a lady

I didn’t really get a chance to talk about the movie “The Butler” that I saw over the weekend but I will say that it was pretty awesome. Sure, I was crying a little but I couldn’t help notice how well it was made and how Forest Whitaker BECAME his character. And yes, I still feel like all white people owe all black people $25 or $30 after seeing this movie. So, make sure if you go see it, take an extra $50 with you so that you can give the black people on your left and right some cash.

Now that my sister has left town to live in Northern California, I am almost like the only child. Well, at least in the sense that I’m the only one here that can take care of mom and dad. Sunday, I went over and made breakfast. Biscuits, sausage, eggs and hash browns. Man it was good. And of course, mom had some work for me to do while I was there. So I took out my drill and tightened up a door in the frame. Today, I’ll have to stop by Home Depot to get some Exterior lights because she says its too dark if it happens to be late when she gets home. So, I’ll be putting on my “electrician hat” as soon as I’m done working today.

radiodialRiding down the street yesterday, I was riding along with Dr. Girlfriend. An Old School rock song came on the radio so we were kinda humming along like people do and then the chorus part came around and she yelled out, “Do it like a lady.” I was like, what did you just say. She said Do it like a lady… I said baby, the name of the song is, “Dude Looks Like a Lady.” She was shocked…have you ever been singing a song and found out you had the lyrics totally wrong? (That could be a funny bit.)