I’m going to call it a small success. I’m talking about my big party in Waxahachie. We spent all of Friday setting up and Saturday, it was game on.
And all seemed to go well. I may have bought a bit more food than we needed. Actually, A LOT more than we needed. And A LOT more beer. AND a LOT more alcohol. Pretty much a LOT more everything. But I didn’t know. So we erred on the heavy side. But, we still managed to serve 700 people. My goal was 1000 but I’m not mad. Fortunately, that was about the only thing that went wrong. It was so much work. We all were operating on about three hours of sleep all day on Saturday but it was super fun. One of our guests did manage to break a TV.
After it was all said and done, everyone had a great time and people enjoyed the petting zoo and the food and drinks.
Waxahachie seems to be full of lots of super nice people and I’m pretty sure that is where my next restaurant will be.