I hate to bore you guys with stories about the things that I have to deal with at my restaurant ALL the time but this is my life. It’s sad sometimes but not in a tearful way. It’s just sad that people can’t or won’t do the simplest things when it comes to their job… Like SHOW UP!

The same people that come in and fill out an application and hope that they get hired, won’t even show up half of the time. If you are a person that is about to enter the workforce or maybe you have been in it a while, please do this one thing. SHOW UP… ON TIME! EVERY TIME!

This past Friday evening I had to fire 2 waitresses. I HATE FIRING PEOPLE. I bet most managers or owners would say the same thing.

big-al-blog-pic-41916And I definitely don’t want to fire my ONLY two waitresses at the BEGINNING of the shift on a FRIDAY. But the first of the two girls was so late that even though I was waiting on her to get to work, I had to leave to go to dinner. She was almost 2 hours late. Her excuse: Her car was stolen days before and she had been struggling to get to work, waiting on her boyfriend to bring the car. Sorry. Bye Bye. (It was not her first time.)…

The second one came in 30 minutes later. Yes, over 2 hours late. But she did have time to stop by Sonic to grab some food. Yes, she walked in with her drink in her hand. I stopped her before she could clock in.

Then, I had to deal with the fact that it was Friday night and I had no waitresses. I apologized to all of my customers as best as I could.

This would be something for my manager to deal with usually. But the manager that I hired to deal with these matters was due to start yesterday. Yes, I hired a manager 3 weeks ago. She “said” that she put in her 2 weeks notice. I had even been texting her every couple of days to touch base. Well, even though she said how excited she was to start, she didn’t show up for her first day.

Well, there. I got that off my chest.

If you are thinking about opening your own business, get ready! It may be a rough ride…BUT, It is still a LOT of fun.