I Have Been In “Flirt Mode”
I Have Been In “Flirt Mode”

It’s been a while since I have been in “flirt mode” where I was actively on the lookout. Yes, I know people say you shouldn’t “look.” But I had nothing to lose. So, I was in flirt mode but apparently, my flirt mode needs some work. My first target was standing a few feet away and I “thought” she was giving me eye contact… So, I smiled and she smiled back. So a few minutes later as I was standing about 5 feet from her, I gave her the international sign and I even uttered the words, “Can I buy you a drink?” She smiled again and the pointed to the girl right in front of me at the bar. I’m not sure if it was her girlfriend, or her “Girlfriend” but either way, I think the smile was actually aimed at her and not me.

The second was another girl that seemed to open to meet people. I mean she was dancing and having fun and smiling… and finally, one time while she was passing by me doing the tipsy girl dance, I said, “hey, spread some your good time over here.” She looked, smiled, spun around and kept going… So, again, my flirt mode apparently needs a little work. But that’s fine… I’ll keep trying.