Its pronounced “all-mond”, NOT “AL-mond!” how is it that a person that has gone their whole life and made a grand total of one “B” (the rest were “A’s”) and that was in dance class because she talked back to the teacher…how can this person be one of the smartest people that I have ever met, not to mention dated, and she can’t pronounce “almond?” ok, I know what you’re thinking…and you’re right. I can’t pronounce every word “good” either. Haha.

But I’m not a freaking doctor. I haven’t been through years of school racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans! And let’s face it…my grades weren’t all that great. So if I mispronounce something, it’s really not that big of a deal. Ok, no…it’s not a deal killer. But I guess it’s a flaw in the armor of a seemingly pretty cool chick. So if someone were to ask me what her biggest flaw is, I would have to say at this point, she can’t pronounce the word almond. She uses medical terms on a daily basis that I have never heard of. I’m talking words with 5 or more syllables. Do you now the last time I used a word with 5 syllables? Never!!! I am a 3 syllable maximum person. Ok, let me calm down and regroup. Ok, I’m going to go ahead and let this one slide…mainly because she is hot…. But if I hear her say, “SAL-mon” I’m pretty much out on this one.

After the Kidd’s Kids trip, the next day is always like a day that I feel like I’m cheating. The 50 kids have had a blast away from their normal routine of doctors and hospitals and needles and everything. But today, they are back to it. I heard several of them say that they would be going to the doctor or hospital as early as today. Me, I go back to my routine of working and playing. Somehow it doesn’t seem fair. But hopefully the memories that they have will serve as some sort of comfort as they return to their routine. And maybe the trip will even inspire them to have a little bit sunnier outlook where needed.