Daytona Beach was really great. I really don’t know what I expected it to be like but I was very much surprised. The flight back was a little eventful with maybe the loudest airline passenger that I’ve ever heard in my life. And I wasn’t even sitting next to him like Jenna and J-Si were… I don’t know how they did it.

Then, once we got back, it was back to normal. And it got me wanting to take another trip. I’m not sure where. As much as I love going to Mexico, it might be time to take a trip to somewhere else. I haven’t taken a solo trip (or a trip with anyone other than work) in a LONG time but it may be time.

There is a Craft Beer and Music Festival coming up in the City of Waxahachie, Texas benefitting a local 501c3 charity and I volunteered to be the person in charge of booking the bands. This event is an outdoor event and is way bigger than a LIVE music night at my restaurant. AND, it’s the first one that the city has done. Who knows? It could grow into a huge event that is attended by THOUSANDS. Or it could flop after the first event and they never do it again. This is a lot of pressure and responsibility. I actually have a small budget to work with for this event and it’s not my money. Maybe I should get a recent winner of American Idol or The Voice??? Maybe a popular YouTube band that is bubbling under the surface? Man, I don’t even know. I just know I can’t screw this up. Hey, Austin City Limits started somewhere, right? South by Southwest started somewhere… Maybe this is the start of something big??? We shall see. I have 2 months to get it together.