If you ever tried to jump in and get involved in a problem between people, here is a reason not to. I saw this guy at the restaurant when I was getting to-go food last night. He was the kind of guy you would see at NASCAR sitting up in the cheap seats guzzling beer after beer. But hey, that’s all good. Somebody has to do it right? He said something to me that was some sort of drunk speak. I smiled and said “Yea.” We pretty much wanted to get our to-go food and get out. Then after seeing that I wasn’t engaging him in conversation, he spotted two girls sitting on the other side of the bar so he got up to go talk to them. Immediately, the ladies got that look like “why is this guy talking to us?” This clearly was none of my business but I spend a lot of time in bars. Heck, I own 2 bars. I can kind of tell when a guy is a potential problem. At the very least, the ladies were annoyed. They kind of looked at us and rolled their eyes as if they wanted to be anywhere else. It was kind of that look that girls give you when they want to be saved from the situation. So, I got the attention of one of the bartenders and I simply said, “Hey man, this guy is being annoying to those girls. You might want to check on them.” well, this bartender looked at them and said, “looks like everything is ok to me.” I tried againto explain that the guy was drunk and he should try to at least ask the girls were ok. The bartender at that point started going off on me saying stuff like the dude just sat down. He’s only had one drink, what do you want me to do? I was amazed that the bartender did nothing and he acted as if I was the bad guy. I mean he was argumentative and really rude… all I was trying to do was help. Eventually, a manager came over and talked to the guy and the girls and either asked him to leave or something because he was gone soon after. But they lost me as a customer. I soooo wanted to pay my tab and make a statement by leaving my to go food on the counter. That, for some reason, sounded in my head like a way to make a statement. But one of the girls grabbed both bags as we left.

Speaking of grabbing stuff, YOU KNOW WHO repossessed her Christmas gift last night. (Remember, I’m not supposed to talk about her.) She didn’t do it in a mean way but I guess I didn’t act like I liked it or something. I repeatedly told her that it wasn’t that I didn’t like it. I just had never seen one before and I didn’t really know what it did. It was this NikeFuel bracelet. nikefuelbandIt gives you digital readouts of how many calories you have burned, how many steps you have taken, and it even gives you the time. But I don’t know if my body language was telling her that I didn’t like it or what. But after asking me over and over if I liked it, and me saying yes, yes and more yes, she finally said that she would take it and return it and get me something else. I felt horrible that I didn’t show her enough love for this gift but, as they say, it is what it is…

She has told me that I am not talking to her enough lately. I’m not intentionally talking less but I won’t argue with her observation. So, I will do better. I will talk more! She may regret ever telling me to talk more…haha