No, I didn’t go to the beach… No, I didn’t go visit my friend in South Carolina. I just stayed here at home. I slept in until 7am everyday and for me, that’s really SLEEPING IN.
I spent most of my days and nights at my new restaurant in Waxahachie. And honestly, it was time well spent. So even though that may not be very interesting to blog about, it was productive.
There was one night that I actually had a date. We joined J-Si and his friends to celebrate his birthday. And after dinner, my date and I went got in an Uber and headed back to my restaurant. And, before you ask, no marble.
I did also look into the option of getting a weekend efficiency apartment in Waxahachie. And I actually looked at a couple. After spending lots of UBER dollars traveling up and down the highway, it might be cheaper to just get a tiny apartment there and eliminating the need to Uber all the time.
The first day of spring is tomorrow. Break out your white pants everybody!