To the guys that broke into my storage area Tuesday Night behind my bar and stole my two generators that I paid $1000 each for, I really hope karma bites you in the butt.

bolt-cuttersI really don’t get “stealing.” Whoever this was had to know what they were coming after. And not only that, these guys had to bring Bolt Cutters with them to cut the big chain and padlock. Anyway, I’m not going to let you ruin my day or ruin the way I think about people. Unfortunately, there are just people out there that don’t want to work to get their own stuff. That’s why we stores sell locks, security cameras, and other things. It’s a shame that we have to not only save our hard-earned money to buy stuff but we also have to budget more money on how to keep our stuff safe and secure. And, even then, that’s not enough. UGH…Ok, enough of that.

Time to go to the doctor tomorrow for the annual physical and the booty check! And guys, you know what that means. OK, enough said about that.