It was a morning full of smiles for our Breaking and Entering Christmas! Watch as an unsuspecting military family got the surprise of a lifetime and a homecoming they’ll never forget!

Read the letter submitted:

Dear Kidd-

I’m writing you about people in my life who deserve a Christmas that is full of love and happiness. They would never ask anyone for help. The dad I will be talking about is my son in law. He’s married to my daughter and is the father of their two kids. Here’s their story.

The dad is currently living hundreds of miles away from his wife and kids. He was honorably discharged from the Navy and is currently in the reserves. He has an outstanding service record with deployments all over the world. He is currently living in Pennsylvania undergoing treatment for PTSD. He was unable to support his family in the northeast, so they moved down here to live with me. My daughter and her two kids now live in a small house with me, my oldest daughter, and her child. It’s a tight squeeze, but we make it work. We all wish we could do more to make it a good Christmas for the kids, but I was laid off from my job in January. and have yet to find anything else. Both of my daughters work, but it’s just not enough to give the kids the Christmas they deserve.

Every morning, my daughter gets up and gets the kids ready for school and drops them off by 8AM. Then she comes home and gets ready for work. She goes in that afternoon and works until midnight sometimes. I pick the kids up from school and keep them until they go to bed.. We do the best that we can to support one another and we tell the kids that Christmas is about feeling loved by those around you.

My daughter Michelle and her husband have always gone out of their way to take care of others. When my son in law was deployed for months at a time, my daughter would help new military families adapt to their new way of life. That included babysitting for moms who’s husbands were overseas so they could have a night off. She and her husband have opened their home every year for people who had nowhere to go for the holidays. My daughter is STRONG. Her husband is a strong military man, but being a military wife is the hardest job in the Navy. The kids understand that daddy is not close to them right now and Michelle does her best to hold It all together.

It’s been a hard year on my daughter, son in law, and their kids to say the least. Dad has not seen his kids in 7 months. He has spent a grand total of about one year around his 4 year old daughter. Last time he was able to see his baby girl, she was scared of him because she doesn’t know her daddy.

We’d love to have him fly in and visit, but it’s impossible for him to get a medical release to travel. So it’s my Christmas wish to bring smiles to the faces of my daughter and her two kids despite their circumstances. And if you can do anything for my son-in-law who’s stuck in Pennsylvania, that would be amazing. I really hope you can grant my Christmas wish for my daughter and her family.


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