Today was such a wonderful day. It all started with me live on air in the Kidd Kraddick studio! It was so cool to finally meet everyone and actually be in the studio! After studio time we went on over to my suite at the Omni, to meet and talk through everything. We all sat around the table while snacking on the awesome breakfast buffet that was wheeled in! I played my two favorite songs for everyone and we ended up picking “Ready or Not”! We talked through some wardrobe ideas and even started talking about my music video, I am very excited about where the ideas are going!
After the morning in the suite we headed over to Septien Entertainment. Linda was amazing, she taught me many different vocal exercises that helped me in a matter of minutes. We talked about my American Idol audition and what I needed prepared, I will need one acapella medium tempo song, one with me and my guitar, and my original!! I am so excited about that no matter what happens. After we picked the songs she set me up with her stage presence/dance teacher Trey. He was AMAZING, we clicked so fast and he was so easy to learn from. He was pretty intimidating, but just enough to where you want to listen to him but he still knows how to have fun. I swear I walked out of that dance studio an entirely new person. We worked on eye contact, connection with the crowd, feeling, etc. I feel like I really took so much away from the session with Trey. After my session with Trey we skyped with Geoff about my song and where it is going, I am so excited about that. Before we left Septien Entertainment I received a text from a (210) number… I asked who it was and they replied with the following, “All cards on the table, we’ve never met but I heard you on the Kidd Kraddick show this morning and I looked you up on Facebook and saw your number there (with only a couple followers before this contest it wasn’t a big deal to have my number up on my artist page, because they were all local… don’t worry its not on there anymore haha) so I figured I would take a shot in the dark to see if you would respond. I have never talked to a famous person before! Lol) Apparently I am famous, and apparently I have fans now! Haha We had a little social media meeting and then off to the baseball diamond!!
I got to the rough riders diamond and got to run all the way through the anthem and then at 7 o’clock I sang the national anthem for the game! It went well and I had a blast! As I sit here, finally eating my first Whatameal from Whataburger, I would have to say that I am very happy. Very pleased with what has been happening, and very excited for what is next.
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