Today was SUCH a long day!! I started in the studio with the Kidd Kraddick cast and they had an AMAZING surprise for me. I got to talk to my childhood crush Ryan Cabrera. I was quiet most of the time he was on air because all I could think was, “I am talking to the boy who covered my walls when I was younger.” It was such a cool experience and I learned so much from him! The best thing he said was probably to take everything in and just have fun. Don’t forget why you’re doing it in the first place!
After the show, I went to Septien Entertainment again. First I had a vocal lesson with Linda and that was amazing as always. We honestly talked more than we sang! Ha After Linda I worked with Trey the Dance Guru! Ha We focused mainly on my original song. He kept saying, “you wrote the song, show me what you felt when you wrote it.” We kept going back and forth and starting over and over again, but I finally got it. I think my confidence has skyrocketed since working with Linda and her crew. I also had guitar lessons yesterday. Carlo was so happy that I actually practiced!! Ha I can almost finger pick the whole song “Girl Crush”! We also stripped my original and made it sound WAY better acoustically and I am obsessed with the way it sounds. At the end of the day I got to record my song in the studio! I HATE hearing myself sing, so when Scott would say okay lets go on. I would be like uhhh are you sure?? Hahah It was so hard to hear back what I recorded because I am never pleased with myself. We spent a couple hours going over and over the song. I am SOOOO excited with how it sounds!!
After Linda’s we went straight to my photo shoot! As soon as we got there I thought, “This is the most beautiful property ever!” and it was just Randy’s house! Ha We started in my favorite green flowy outfit, and I was a little nervous at first… because the pictures that everyone loves are always the ones I don’t. BUT we all agreed that we had a strong start and from there on out it was a blast! Three outfit changes, so much jewelry, and a pizza party afterwards. I would say last night was very successful!!
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